Secretary: Ms Sonia Bettles
MD, MSc, FRCS(Ophth), FRCOphth, PhD

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty


There is increasing evidence that laser treatment in the form of selective laser trabecuoplasty (SLT) in certain patients is an equally effective alternative to eye drops as first line treatment for raised eye pressure. The benefit is that it delays the need for eye drops for patients and sometimes prevents their need altogether. For patients who don’t like taking eye drops or develop side-effects from them, this may also be a viable option.

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty works by stimulating the drainage channels of the eye, where the fluid within the eye naturally drains, thus improving its function. The laser is painless, quick to perform and done as an outpatient procedure. The true effect of the laser would be about 6 weeks after treatment is performed. Fifty percent of patients undergoing the laser have acceptable eye pressure after 5 years, however it can always be repeated in those patients where a drop in eye pressure was seen with initial therapy.

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Further Information Required?

Ms Sonia Bettles
Tel: 01926865901 OR 07593748072
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