Glaucoma Filtration Surgery
Glaucoma may get worse if the pressure inside the eye is not low enough. Trabeculectomy is recommended when eyedrops are not controlling the pressure. Where trabeculectomy surgery is unsuitable, a Glaucoma Drainage Device may be employed.

If medical therapy in the management of glaucoma become ineffective, surgical treatments may be necessary. Trabeculectomy remains the surgical gold-standard in glaucoma management and aims to lower the eye pressure and prevent further loss of vision. It involves forming a new drainage channel in the white part of the eye, under the upper eyelid. The fluid within the eye, bypass the blocked natural drainage channels of the eye and drain through this newly formed valve.

Glaucoma drainage devices remain an alternative surgical option in managing glaucoma. They are often reserved for patients in which trabeculectomy surgery has been performed or is unsuitable. A small silicone tube is placed in the front part of the eye, through which the eye fluid drains backward onto a silicone plate, that sits behind the muscles of the eye. The silicone plate acts as a reservoir and collects the eye fluid, hence lowering the eye pressure. Aqueous-Shunt surgery is performed in the operating theatre under general anaesthetic. Patients often go home the same day with a shield over their eye, but are seen the next day.
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